From A to Z.
  • RND

  • Autonomous Personalized Learning

  • Virtual

Vertex Zone by Business Zone Group

About Us

Our team makes sure your needs are addressed and personalized to your exact requirements.

Connecting people to life:

  • learning

  • journeys

  • travels

  • coaching

assorted-title book lot on shelf
assorted-title book lot on shelf
people sitting on chair inside building
people sitting on chair inside building
VZ came to be as a response to the world becoming more of a global village with each day, and the need for the different members within this village's small corners and pockets and far reaches to have access to learning and development; on an individual scale, institutional scale, and global scale, to be better prepared for and help shape the future to come.
What started out as a chance to share information has grown into a yearning to see others develop. Now, our cross-functional team of experts can see our clients projects from conception to finish, and help you reach the goal that you deserve.Write your text here...

What we're proud of

We've worked with a wide array of partners and clients, and created different zones and spaces in order to address the needs carefully.

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
i m a little girl text
i m a little girl text
silver iMac with keyboard and trackpad inside room
silver iMac with keyboard and trackpad inside room


Learning & Development are timeless crafts, skills and tools, and are part of a lifelong journey.

Vertex Zone focuses on developing a wide range of solutions and services, through our partners, in a variety of areas for the purpose of learning and development; with a focus on personalized learning.

We want to provide solutions that help you reach your goals as an individual or organization; that feel comfortable and most importantly, like they're something special and meaningful to you.